August is “Don’t Be a Bully Month”
A bully is someone who tries to hurt other people on purpose. Bullies hurt people with their words or with their actions. Sometimes people are bullied because they look or act different from others, but the things that make us different are the very things that make us unique, talented, beautiful, and strong! Always remember, Kindness is Cooler!

Stick and Stone by Beth Ferry (Grades K-3)
A lonely tree branch and a rock find friendship and strength together. Stick and Stone feel very alone until a chance encounter leads Stick to stand up for Stone against a bullying pine cone. Now inseparable, the two explore and play. But when a storm carries Stick away, Stone must search for him and bring him back

The Juice Box Bully : Empowering Kids to Stand Up for Others by Robert Sornson (Grades K-5)
Have you ever seen a bully in action and done nothing about it? Instead of being bystanders, the kids at Pete’s new school get involved. When the juice box mess becomes more than just a dirty shirt, Pete’s classmates teach him about “The Promise.” Will Pete decide to shed his bullying habits and make “The Promise?”

Enemy Pie by Derek Munson (Grades K-3)
What should have been the perfect summer for one young boy is ruined when Jeremy Ross moves in and becomes number one on the narrator’s enemy list. Fortunately, his father has a secret recipe for a pie that is guaranteed to help get rid of enemies. While Dad works on mixing the ingredients and baking the pie, he explains his son’s role in the plan: “-you need to spend a day with your enemy. Even worse, you have to be nice to him.”

The Lunch Thief by Anne Bromley (Grades 2-4)
When a new classmate steals his lunch, Rafael first hesitates to say anything for fear of a fight, but later, when he sees that the boy is living in a motel, he realizes that Kevin may be stealing because he’s hungry. The story stresses Rafael’s mother’s advice, “Use your mouth before your fists,” and, indeed, when the pudgy boy decides he can share his food, the problem is solved.

The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill (Grades K-3)
Mean Jean is the playground bully. No one can stand up to her, until new kid Katie Sue arrives. Freckled, bespectacled, pig-tailed Katie Sue asks the bully to jump rope and be her friend (“I like ice cream / I like tea, / I want Jean to / jump with me!”), and everything changes.

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell (Grades K-3)
A small girl with large buck teeth and a funny voice has a grandmother who is just as tiny, but whose big heart and even bigger brains produce some sage advice; her grandmother keeps reminding her that if she believes in herself, the world will believe in her, too. When Molly Lou’s family moves, and she encounters the school bully, Ronald Durkin, she remembers her grandmother’s advice. When he calls her “SHRIMPO,” she beats him at football and, full of self-confidence, meets his other taunts with her astounding array of talents.

Strictly No Elephants by Lisa Mantchev (Grades K-3)
A boy and his tiny pet elephant attempt to attend a Pet Club meeting, but a “No Elephants” sign thwarts their plans. They befriend other children with unusual pets, and they, along with a girl and her skunk (“He doesn’t stink”), form an all-inclusive club that welcomes everyone.

Bus Ride Bully (My 1st Graphic Novel) by Cari Meister (Grades K-2)
Gavin hates riding the bus. Max, the bus bully, is always picking on him. But when Max is gone for a few days, Gavin starts to worry. Does Gavin actually miss the bus bully?

The Bully Blockers Club by Teresa Bateman (Grades K-3)
Lotty Racoon can’t wait to start a fresh school year with her new teacher, new backpack, and new shoes. But her excitement soon fades when Grant Grizzly begins bullying her. Realizing that acting alone doesn’t always work, Lotty forms the Bully Blockers Club, which encourages kids to stand up for each other.